The importance of using found and natural materials was something which in exploring Coisir I felt was important. harnessing the land to create a sustainable and self sufficient tool for working.
I gathered natural materials from the trees and landscape as I sketched outdoors, incorporating them into my visual representation of the scenery.

I then learned the process of creating my own charcoal from the items I had foraged.

Proportion and scale were topics that received considerable attention during group critiques and one-on-one tutorials, prompting me to delve deeper into exploring them.

reading about the history of panoramas
By utilizing the panorama feature on my phone, I was able to abstract and elongate the form of the original drawing I had created.

Mehretu uses Size and scale as a way of enveloping an audience into her landscapes. the size and energy of her marks were something I hoped to emulate in my own work.
"the way we live is abstract"
Mehretu talks about the confusion of modern living, the abstract lives we live and why she has represented her pieces so abstractly. Similarily I feel my work deals with abstraction but perhaps in the opposite sense, for me it's a way of escaping my reality and creating a new landscape with my marks.